Thursday, October 31, 2013



Post 1

For my third C4T, I was assigned to read Jeff Delp's blog, Moles out of Moutains. His latest post, was titled Blogging with Mr.Delp introduced a tool he found called allows writers to publish their blog posts directly from Evernote. Writers can write their blog post in Evernote, then add a published tag. The post will appear on your personal, as it appears in Evernote. Mr. Delp was looking for a tool, that is simple and helps him to focus on his writing. Mr. Delp, showed how he is using He has another blog titled, The Opposite Way.

Hello, my name is Shernaye James. I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am taking a class called EDM 310. It is web-based. We blog regularly. So, it is great, when I am introduced to new tools. So, I will add this to my list of tools. I like that it is a simple tool to use. I have included a link to my blog.

Post 2

For my third C4T, I was assigned to read Jeff Delp's blog, Moles out of Moutains. His latest post, is titled The Educator’s “Do and Don’t” List Mr. Delp discusses an article he read; that inspired him to create his own to do list.

Some of the do's are:

1. Know your students and work diligently to make connections, 2. Have high expectations, and a provide a high level of support, 3.Give students choice, and a voice, Take time to thank others, and show appreciation (colleagues and students).

Some of things from his don't list included:

1.Stop learning, 2.Underestimate your power to make a difference–make the most of your moments 3. Forget to smile.

My response was I enjoyed reading your post. As a future educator, I liked the idea of creating a do and don't list. I hope to create my own, in the future.

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