For my C4T, I was assigned to read Mrs. Kathleen Morris blog , her latest post was titled Looking Back, Looking Forward She is going, on Maternity leave. She is packing up things, in her classroom. She is deciding what to take and what to throw away. She has been at the same school for a ten years. She is trying to put 9 1/2 years of resources into two to three storage bins. The first thing she is disposing of is worksheets. She feels that hands-on,collaborative opened task have a bigger impact on students than a worksheet. Mrs. Morris offers other reflections on what is important now and in the future. Resources and Ideas are always available to use: She can use Twitter, blog and other online tools to help her come up with ideas. Also, she has her professional learning network(PLN). She points out that digital resources do not take up space.She uses Google Docs. A lot of her work for her classroom is on her computer or in a cloud.
Hello Mrs. Morris, I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I commented on another blog post of yours. I like the idea of getting rid of worksheets. I remember in school; I always got worksheets. After I finished, I would be bored and forget about the topic. As a future educator, I want to use technology than using worksheets with my students.
For my C4T, I was assigned to read Mrs. Kathleen Morris blog , Her latest post was titled "Blogging and the Literacy Curriculum" In the this article, Mrs. Morris discusses that blogging should be a prioritized and planned. Also, she feels blogging needs to be integrated. Mrs. Morris emphasizes the importance of students being able to use a variety of tools and media. Mrs. Morris states that blogging can be used to teach reading, writing, speaking and listening. Her approach is spending ten to 20 minutes a day, on her literacy block on whole class blogging. Her students rotate reading each other blog and posting comments. By doing this, the students' are practicing the literacy goal. Also, her students' student's blogs were used as a digital portfolio. Mrs. Morris encourages teachers to integrate blogging into their literacy curriculum to help their students to learn.
Hello Mrs. Morris, My name is Shernaye James. I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am in a class called EMD 310. We use blogging with all of our assignments. I agree, that it is important to include blogging, in the classroom. I think it is a great way to help keep students engaged.
Hello, I am Lisa Smith and I am also a student in EDM 310. I have been assigned to read your blog this week. You have an amazing blog. It is very informative and I can tell you that out of all the blogs that I have been assigned to your is at the top. It is only Tuesday and your blog is up to date on assignment. You go girl!! I hope that you continue to blog I know that I will.